Cash-back cards can be a great tool, but they must be used carefully. Almost every card carries a high interest rate so if you don't pay off the balance every month, you'll most likely end up paying more in interest than whatever cash back you earn.
There are truly unlimited options out there but personally, I use two cards for my personal life and one for business:
Apple Card - personal
Chase Sapphire Preferred - personal
American Express Blue Business® Plus Credit Card
A lot of cards offer 3-7% cash back on very specific categories, like online subscriptions or dining, but chasing these cards to get an extra few percent back isn't worth it in my opinion. One day you'll have a wallet or purse full of cards, payments will probably get missed because there's too many to keep track of, and you'll start to resent the magical "cash back".
I like to stick with one or two well-rounded cards, take advantage of their benefits, and not worry about them. My time and mental energy is better spent trying to earn more money than searching for an extra 2% back on $1,000 of spending. I'd assume that's true for yourself too.
But if you want to dive deeper into credit card hacks, I highly recommend checking out The Points Guy. He compares all the different options, breaks down pros and cons, and frequently updates the site with new cards & reward offers.
Whatever you decide to go with, make sure that you're aware of the annual fee and consider whether or not the cost is worth the potential benefits.