Welcome to The Loaf - making money & business more approachable for self-employed creatives & freelancers
Life insurance is a hot topic in the world of personal finance & TikTok right now.
But I want to talk about the kind of life insurance that salesman don't shill incessantly..
→ Term life
I won't bore you with the details here, but there were 3 main reasons I chose to buy a $500,000 20-year policy this past week:
• If I want to stop paying for the policy, there are no fees or costs to doing so
• If I want to get more or less coverage, I can adjust my policy amount
• It cost $24.21/month for $500,000 worth of coverage
• I'm in the process of building a few businesses and if I can't accomplish what I've set out to do because I die, my family is still taken care of
I think it makes sense for a lot of people to have term life insurance, so I wrote about the benefits, the costs, and why it made sense for me:
Friendly money & business reminders for self-employed creatives
✅ Think about what you're working towards
Why? Burnout is the result of creative output without direction
• If you don't know what you're working towards, everything you're doing can start to feel like a "waste" even if you know that's not true
• When you have a vision & creative direction, you can see progress and know that the work you're doing is making a positive impact in your life
Also read: How to recognize (and manage) burnout
🐄 Economics, explained by two cows
💌 How to build an email list as a YouTuber
💰 10 commandments of selling a product or service
🎥 Watch: What artists can learn from Frank Ocean
✍🏼 Freelance Finds: If I have a job and freelance on the side, how is that taxed?
Thanks for reading 🖤
Treyton DeVore